DGTL MKRS are innovators for event business. Specialized on consulting, solutions and tools for B2B events services we simplify and automate event organization and execution processes.


We are a small group of highly motivated people.

We build a new team in Bulgaria and work close to our german partners.


Take part in starting an interesting journey by facilitating backoffice and B2B processes for event companies!

Rapid Low-Code Solutions

We develop process automation with low-code tools in lightning speed.

Event Business Digitalization Consulting

We consult event businesses on their road to digital mastery.

Custom Apps & Tools for Event Businesses

We develop custom software to support even highly individual processes.

Agile Jedis

We support businesses to develop from Agile Padawans to Agile Jedis.

Rapid Low-Code Solutions

Description Services we offer… Tools Description

We believe that most processes are digitizable and automatable with standard tools and integration between those.

And it saves money and time!

Services we offer…

…choice of the best suiting tools to be integrated with your existing tools.

…setup and configuration of your low-code environment.

…maintenance and support for your integrated tools.


We are highly flexible with the choice of tools.

We have experience with and are able to integrate almost any tool.
Some examples are Integromat, HubSpot, WordPress, Google Suite as well as non-cloud software like Excel etc.

You name them!

Event Business Digitalization Consulting

Description Services we offer… Description

We have more than 20 years of experience in events and digitalization.

We know how event processes are working and especially how to improve them.

Services we offer…

…analysis of your processes.

…consultancy on improvement of processes.

…rapid development of process automation.

Custom Apps & Tools for Event Businesses

Description Services we offer… Tools Description

Sometimes a low-code approach may not be feasible for your indivdual problem.

With 15+ years of experience in software development, we will find a cost-efficient and individual solution.

Services we offer…

…analysis and planning of your project.

…software development of individual tools or apps.

…high quality standard of the provided solutions.


We made good experiences with Flutter as a cross-platform app development framework.

Agile Jedis

Description Services we offer… What we have done so far… Description

With more than 15 years of experience in agile methodologies, we are early adopters and experts with all agile principles.

We are working with start-up to corporate sized companies to help teams, departments and management to optimize effectiveness and reach the right goals.

Services we offer…

…coaching of agile principles and frameworks.

…setup of agile teams, tools and processes.

…supervision of agile teams and processes.

…mentoring of agile people.

What we have done so far…

… setup of a lot of agile teams in different industries and countries as well as off-shore teams.

… configuration and setup of agile tools like Atlassian Confluence, JIRA, notion.so, redmine, custom tools and many more.

… management consultancy to renew legacy processes for reaching higher levels of agility.

Do our values match?

We have fun

We are authentic

We value sustainability

We prefer agile methodologies and lean management

We support transparency

We like to improve us

We highly involve all team members

We like to work in a diverse team

We favor flat hierarchies

We are hiring!

Soft Skills

Junior Frontend Developer

  • Very good German or English language knowledge

  • Self-responsible approach to assess solutions

  • Capability to consult event businesses to automate processes with low-code solutions

  • Basic knowledge of agile methodologies and will to get an agile enthuiast

  • Motivation to take responsibilities in a growing team

  • Outstanding will for developing skills, knowledge and responsibilities


  • 2y+ experience in developing frontend solutions with Javascript and frameworks

  • Experience or at least will to use low-code tools fast

  • Experience working with Flutter, React and/or Angular frameworks

  • Experience in developing single page web applications

  • Experience in using APIs

  • Knowledge in using databases

  • Ability to assure the quality of the frontend with the help of testing frameworks